Thursday, March 09, 2006

Irony Of History

We were able to prevent war by having the willingness to hold nuclear weapons or holding the weapons of mass destruction including nuclear weapons. We can find those cases as many as the cases we were unable to prevent war. -von_yosukeyan

This is a very important point. Normally we tend to believe that we have to start war because they have already developed weapons of mass destruction including nuclear weapons. But the fact is that because they have already developed weapons of mass destruction including nuclear weapons, we are unable to start war, thus preventing further conflict between them and us. This is an irony of history, though, it's true.

Sadam Hussein lost a nuclear facility which was purchased from France and Germany (in 1980s) by bombing of Israel (in 1980s).

I didn't know that, though I've got to look it up when the purchase and bombing were taken place.

Korean peninsula seems under high tension regardless of whether there're nuclear weapons.

It depends on how we see the situation there, I don't believe both current administrations are antagonistic to one another. --Ancient Greek Philosophers -18c Enlightenment Thinkers -Slashdotters

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