Saturday, February 28, 2009

Lost illusion

"Not Japan, Russia"
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Paul Krugman claims we're heading for Japan's lost decade. I think I agree more though that what we're really hading for is the utter collapse of Capitalism, in other words, Russia's lost half-decade as Dmitry Orlov points out.Good thing I've got that Mormon-and-German-Apostolic-Christian inspired 2 years of food supplies, from my upbringing. It might have been hard as an autistic interested in technology putting up with them in grade school and their 19th century ideas about family values and farming, but in the end, the pain may well be worth it.
posted by Ted Seeber at 4:17 PM on Feb 26, 2009

Eiko Onoda said...
Some say Japan's lost decade..but they didn't lose anything. One thing they lost is only illusion, so I guess they are more realistic right now. Illusion...they are somebody.Reality..they are one of them.

Economy whose name is a sword

"On Economic Violence"

"On Economic Violence"
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When I was kicked out of private industry in 2001, and spent the next 7 years either unemployed or in civil service (which I didn't turn out to be suited for, being unable to understand appropriate/inappropriate behavior with public funds due to the autism- I know what I was fired for, but I still don't know WHY that was so wrong to build communities outside of the department on the internet to help me understand and do my job), it felt like a huge piece of my life had been taken away. As of two weeks from now, we'll be paying off the last of the credit card debt from that period (my parents last month purchased the last of our debt on a fee basis rather than an interest basis, and the difference will allow us to pay it off with the tax refund). Arson would have been kinder- we could have gotten help if we were homeless. So don't tell me that bankers aren't just as bad as hostile, invading soldiers when it comes to third world nations. The violence of a layoff or a foreclosure can be just as hard on a family as a death. Ok, in my private life it didn't help that same year of September 2001-September 2002 saw a couple of deaths on my wife's side of the family, and of course our national tragedy of 9-11. But September 2008 will be remembered by many people as being worse for them personally. If you do violence, you must pay with violence being done to you. Sure, our religion tells us that an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth will leave everybody blind and toothless- but the lack of retribution and justice has become an evil in it's own right. When a man like Madoff can get by with a few years in a minimum security rich person's "jail resort", and his family can profit off of the huge ponzi scheme he created, there is some serious injustice in the system. When a man like David Li can come to our country and inject a new "investment product" that causes thousands of layoffs, millions of foreclosures, and increases our homeless rate; and then can just run back to China and get away with the crime, then justice has not been served.It's said by the more liberal of us "If you want peace, work for justice". So let me tell all of you who think it's just fine to short sell stocks, to write credit contracts with usurious amounts of interest, who take advantage of third world poverty to increase their own bottom line or to undersell competitors, and whose "free and open market" siphons money away from the type of Research and Development that could REALLY make a difference in the world; you need to rethink the meaning of the word Violence. Profit is not the only value, and should not be the only value, that figures into your cost calculations. Subsidarity and solidarity should count for something, as should just plain old fashioned justice.Remember, those who live by the sword, die by the sword. And sometimes, the poison pen of the the contract, is more deadly than the sword. Keep up the fraudulent economic system, and one day soon, perhaps sooner than we all think, the riots will start and at that point, it will be the bankers with their backs against the wall.
posted by Ted Seeber at 8:50 AM on Feb 27, 2009

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Eiko Onoda said...
>sometimes, the poison pen of the the contract, is more deadly than the swordIndeed, indeed. Be careful not to draw up a contract of instalment with the hope of our job keep on forever.For both of us.
February 28, 2009 6:14 AM

Friday, February 27, 2009

~mercedo 4 seconds ago
So time I'm going to make more meaningful comment, otherwise not.--Ancient Greek Philosophers - 18c Enlightenment Thinkers - deviantART Users

Friday, February 20, 2009


~mercedo 3 seconds ago
Line is strong and nice the way to shine the surface of her costume.--Ancient Greek Philosophers - 18c Enlightenment Thinkers - deviantART Users
Super Ninja Nancy -Request by ~sleepy-comics
~mercedo 2 seconds ago
White cotton panty gives us a sanitary image.--Ancient Greek Philosophers - 18c Enlightenment Thinkers - deviantART Users

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Posted by mercedo on February 19, 2009, 8:07 am, in reply to "I wish him well"
There's a good workable way for any trouble. We can get a bright future to choose one way out of thousands. Our wisdom shines the path.
Ancient Greek Philosophers -18c Enlightenment Thinkers -Daily Interact! Users
Posted by mercedo on February 19, 2009, 7:33 am, in reply to "Security/ New Hampshire Reassertion of Sovereignty"
Individual states get wider autocracy than ever more and more while independent countries outside the US get narrower their sovereignty definitely during the coming decades. Where are you from? I'm from Oregon, how about you? I'm from Japan..
Ancient Greek Philosophers -18c Enlightenment Thinkers -Daily Interact! Users
Posted by mercedo on February 19, 2009, 7:21 am, in reply to "Food/ Native foodstuffs of the Pacific Northwest"
Can we take some botanical protein from some of the list?
Ancient Greek Philosophers -18c Enlightenment Thinkers -Daily Interact! Users
Posted by mercedo on February 19, 2009, 7:06 am, in reply to "Security/Wood as a currency"
Money is the means to the rich get richer and the poor get poorer, only accelerate the economic gap between people. Barter is, on the other hand, the best way to get something without being rich or poor. Because one must abstain from something to get some other thing. People must be remaining economically equal however often they repeat it. Most common barter is marriage, more officially a monogamy system. One must abandon the right to get access to some women to be with only one woman. This is a kind of joke, but reflecting a phase of truth..
Ancient Greek Philosophers -18c Enlightenment Thinkers -Daily Interact! Users

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Hi, ***..

This is indeed very interesting and the simile is to the point.

I am sad you are not in Fukuoka already. It is your decision, you are neither born nor went to school in Fukuoka so I had just wondered whether you can settle down in Fukuoka. ( I am very sorry if you felt bad in this statement. )

I was born in Kokura, then learned at Tokyo and US, but I got married in Fukuoka. I live in Fukuoka for twenty years. I intend to live in Fukuoka for the rest of my life.

I will keep on attending the meeting so whenever you are let's keep in touch!

Best wishes,

Re: Chesterton (Score:1)
by Mer_panacea (1381133) on 2009.02.18 5:32 (#26892885) Homepage Journal
In late 18th century when Admiral Perry comes to Japan with the four Black ship the population of the United States and Japan was almost the same. Just twenty years ago the US was two times as populous as Japan. Now population of US is over three hundred million, exceeding Japan almost three times.
The average number of kids in a family in Japan is one point something, by the year 2055 the populatin of Japan will be reduced to 89 hundred million accrding to a survey.
Culture without universality never prevails.
--Ancient Greek Philosophers -18c Enlightenment Thinkers -Slashdotters
Ms Clinton comes
2009.02.18 4:55

Secretary of State Ms Hillary Clinton comes to Japan. She said bilateral relation between United States and Japan is essential and a corner stone to world politics. Japan is the first country for her to visit outside US and she invited Japanese premire to visit the White House as the first foreign leader.
Through Japan bashing, passing now is the time to Japan banishing. Assimilation has been in progress in such a degree.

Monday, February 16, 2009

Journal: Drunken proved on 2009.02.16 23:17 Comments: 0
Journal by Mer_panacea on 2009.02.16 23:17
People who made a mistake under the influence of alcohol often make an excuse as they didn't drink much. This is the proof of their intoxication. They think they didn't have much because they had already much.
16 Feb 2009, 21:57
How are you?
How about chating with me?
Hi, Melissa..

Thanks for your 'Happy Valentine's Day' !!

I call you every Saturday., I mean in your country every Friday from 4 to 5 in the evening.

Take care!!....I LOVE YOU!


Sunday, February 15, 2009


ii (Score:1)
by Mer_panacea (1381133) on 2009.02.15 3:42 (#26857389) Homepage Journal
>Chesterton's system solves this problem rather neatly- only information is traded between communities, and the principle of subsidarity requires the factory be as close to the end consumer as possible, eliminating the need for shipping.
This is also a core of your thought.
Thirty years ago almost all information was monopolised in either Tokyo or Kansai region in Japan, so we were obliged to think about learning in either of the two regions. Because we couldn't obtain enough books in local area.
I started to consider moving to the US to learn more when I was the third grade at the University. Because I thought it was hard to acquire surroundings surrounded only by international common language. So I went to the US. About a year I enjoyed its ambience fully.
How about now? Do I have to go to Tokyo to obtain enough informatin? No. I can get it through the net. Do I have to go to the US to fully enjoy the flood of information? No. I can get it through the net.
Now the time has changed from the age of centralised, monopolised system to decentralised, multilateral world where we can find as many hubs of information and knowledge as possible.
I first saw the name Chesterton in a dialog between you and Mike Hawk and got curious since then.
Our age has come closer to his ideal more and more.

--Ancient Greek Philosophers -18c Enlightenment Thinkers -Slashdotters
Irrational world (Score:1)
by Mer_panacea (1381133) on 2009.02.15 3:13 (#26857111) Homepage Journal
Irrationality is a feature of ordinary people. We can find rational people mainly in a mental hospital, where there are people who think rationality ought to control the world.
Rationality never controls the world. That is a reality we all ought to live along.
--Ancient Greek Philosophers -18c Enlightenment Thinkers -Slashdotters

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Stimulate economy (Score:1)
by Mer_panacea (1381133) on 2009.02.14 1:16 (#26844879) Homepage Journal
These two suggestions are a good idea. One helps middle class households and the other helps create government owned companies. Many companies were first created by government, then later they were sold to private sectors in marvellously low prices. In recession things will be reverse. I suggest 700 billion dollars be used for every household. This is going to be much more direct way to stimulate economy, which is in a word to make the flow of money in society. Recession or depression means money stays in some place..
>the depression doesn't feel half as bad if you have a job.
I myself want to work at least 40 hours in a week. Unless doing so, I would feel as if I were under a potential umemployment.
--Ancient Greek Philosophers -18c Enlightenment Thinkers -Slashdotters

Friday, February 13, 2009

Public enterprises (Score:1)
by Mer_panacea (1381133) on 2009.02.13 23:42 (#26843253) Homepage Journal
>However, there's still a good reason to oppose pork: The jobs the federal government creates
In well-developed countries, public enterprises contain a lot of needless investment. Because infrastructure was already well-built so there's scarce place to dig up more.
In the case of U.S., however, there's a lot of hinterland to develop. I think it works well if done under well-prepared plans by a superior leader.
--Ancient Greek Philosophers -18c Enlightenment Thinkers -Slashdotters
The Questions of King Milinda (Score:1)
by Mer_panacea (1381133) on 2009.02.13 22:42 (#26842335) Homepage Journal
>Happiness can be found when expectation dies.
This is similar to Zen Buddhist world view and also I recall the word of Diogenes - he wanted only a little bit more sunshine. I'm not so sure whether the words found in the Questions of King Milinda.
A kind of religion seeks no worldly profit. This form is indeed an original figure religions ought to be.
--Ancient Greek Philosophers -18c Enlightenment Thinkers -Slashdotters
Manifest Destiny (Score:1)
by Mer_panacea (1381133) on 2009.02.13 22:07 (#26841937) Homepage Journal
>it is those joys that we term the profits of liberty.
Profound words..
In the past oftentimes war had become the big trigger to more liberated stage of human life. But we didn't have to worry about total elimination of humankind in even all out war. Time has changed and now we need to use only human wisdom in order to liberate human nature more and more, without experiencing a war.
--Ancient Greek Philosophers -18c Enlightenment Thinkers -Slashdotters


~mercedo Jan 20, 2009, 6:00:59 AM
How lovely your face is!--Ancient Greek Philosophers - 18c Enlightenment Thinkers - deviantART UsersReply
~eErIeWhIsPeRs Jan 20, 2009, 11:18:59 AM blushing --beauty is in the eye of the beholder-------------------------------------------(\_/)(O.o)(} { ) This is Bunny. Copy Bunny into your profile to help him on his way to world domination...
fuzzy by ~eErIeWhIsPeRs

A string

A string in her waist counts a lot.

join.. by ~eErIeWhIsPeRs

A woman who dreams of reality

~mercedo 2 days 14 hours ago
The title is 'dreaming', but as if you were dreaming a reality.--Ancient Greek Philosophers - 18c Enlightenment Thinkers - deviantART UsersReply
~eErIeWhIsPeRs 1 day 17 hours ago
reality is cruel.--beauty is in the eye of the beholder-------------------------------------------(\_/)(O.o)(} { ) This is Bunny. Copy Bunny into your profile to help him on his way to world domination...
Dreaming by ~eErIeWhIsPeRs

Thursday, February 12, 2009

~mercedo Moments ago
Yah,, I keep on watching..--Ancient Greek Philosophers - 18c Enlightenment Thinkers - deviantART Users

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Meaning of marriage (Score:1)
by Mer_panacea (1381133) on 2009.02.11 3:43 (#26800809) Homepage Journal
>Prevention of conception
We need to wait for a wife's menopause in order to enjoy our marital life fully, which usually comes more than twenty years after our first liason. Don't worry, life is long.
Meaning of marriage is first of all in social relations to have fun exclusively between two opposite sex. Raise their kids, live together economically come only after this first aim is achieved.
--Ancient Greek Philosophers -18c Enlightenment Thinkers -Slashdotters
~mercedo 1 second ago
The title is 'dreaming', but as if you were dreaming a reality.--Ancient Greek Philosophers - 18c Enlightenment Thinkers - deviantART Users
Long time no see!!
Hi, Ms Maria..Thanks for sending me a greeting card. I can neither see your profile nor be your friend any more, but it's ok! I am alright, how about you?Best wishes..Mercedo

Friday, February 06, 2009

Buy American Act
2009.02.06 0:05

Protectionism is so natural. Buy American doesn't mean Don't buy other than Americans. Coming the age of blocked economy.

Thursday, February 05, 2009

Hi, **..

Ok, I find a job for you in 8 months, hopefully. Please don't expect me too much.
I call you Friday evening from 4 pm to 5 pm. Let's have a chat then!


Hidden story

Hidden story
2009.02.05 23:07

Really daunting matters are not talked. True matters are talked few times or hidden completely.Really shocking matters are not talked.
History consisted in what we were able to reveal, which is less serious. History is an accumulation of less serious record. Biographers, historians try to reveal those hidden story.
This is the reality of current history we know.

Currencies for different use

Ted Seeber writes in his blog Outside the asylum as,

Thus I argue that we need to separate the uses of money better- into four worldwide currencies:
- Currency A is a value store- it defines the value of the other three currencies, and you can only transfer wealth in one currency to another through Currency A, but you can’t charge or receive interest in Currency A.
- Currency B is for Business Cash Flow, and as such, has an expiration date, use it or lose it. MOST people and companies will get their paychecks in Currency B, and pay their bills in Currency B, and it will expire at the end of the fiscal year if not converted to Currency A.
- Currency C is for Credit. You can borrow Currency C, but it must be changed to Currency A to be converted to B or D, and you pay interest on borrowing it. Currency C’s interest rate is fixed, pegged at time of borrowing at CPI-1% to prevent usury. Currency C is Secured Debt- you need some collateral to get it- and is cosigned by the government, much like FDIC does with your bank account today, to prevent loss. HOWEVER, fractional reserve banking will no longer be allowed- a bank will NOT be able to lend out more money than it has on hand.
- Currency D is Debt Gambling. Currency D is the chips you get in exchange for currency A at the casino, or the stocks you get in exchange for currency A at the stock market, or the bonds you get for currency A at the bond market. Currency D is only used by gamblers. On the plus side, you might win big- but on the minus side, you might lose everything. The purpose of Currency D? To remove the effects of gambling from Currencies A and B. Currency A money paid for Currency D usually becomes some form of Currency A money exchanged for Currency C.
We already have Currency A, B, C, and D in our society- but by requiring all conversions to go through currency A, this gives us control over the Bubbles. Also, in the current form, we're kind of missing a real currency A- and as this article suggests the search for currency A quality investments was a big cause of the credit bubble.

Drastic change of use (Score:1)
by Mer_panacea (1381133) on 2009.02.05 21:25 (#26735629) Homepage Journal
As you insightfully pointed out, the meaning of money we use daily has been already changed drastically, but we still use the same unit. That doesn't reflect the reality.
On the contrary, many currencies are used on the globe -dollar, yen, pound, and euro, etc. Why not use those currencies for purpose-oriented ones as you mentioned above? Many currencies were used in different regions first. Those will be used in differnet ways in the future. We can make the most of existing currencies without eliminating them.
That's not a bad idea, I think..
--Ancient Greek Philosophers -18c Enlightenment Thinkers -Slashdotters
~mercedo Moments ago
Yes, I became your watcher.

Ancient Greek Philosophers - 18c Enlightenment Thinkers - deviantART Users
~mercedo 1 second ago
Hi, Yumi..

Thanks for visiting my site!

Best regards,


Ancient Greek Philosophers - 18c Enlightenment Thinkers - deviantART Users

Tuesday, February 03, 2009

I love you

Re: My Current Situation

Hi, ** aka Meli now..

I still love you and we can live together.

What's wrong with you? I really worry about you. If you lost your love in your real life in the United States, I will be always with you.

I can live together with you for good. I am eager to love you for the rest of my life.

Ok, I call you as soon as possible.


I Love You

Dear Meli,

I love you.

I call you again tomorrow morning.


Hi, Meli..

I feel really happy to talk to you on line. My cell number is ***
Call me whenever you can.
Japan country code is 81, so omitting the first zero of 090,

*** is the number to call.

Always with love,


Letters to America

How are you?

Hi, Meli..

Did you call me around 11 pm? I coundn't pick it since I was working that time.

It is hard to find a job here especially for foreigners.. although I try.



Today I called you at 7:30 in the evening.
Next time I call you a bit earlier than today's time.


How are you?

Hi, Meli..

Let's start teaching English here with me..

I will be in charge of intermediate level - from junior high to technical college while you are in charge of conversation with adults..

That's just an idea, however, I plan to teach.

It's the best way.



Hi, Meli...

I got a call three times this morning. It's 4:30 so I was still in a dream. I had turned my cell to manner mode, so I couldn't hear your bell ring.

Yes, it is very hard to get a job here especially in the case of foreigners. I think it's even more realistic for you to teach privately here. I don't know much about entertainment world.

So when do you plan to come to Japan? If you are not in a hurry and give me longer time, I can ask club people whether they can accept you. One time I had asked about the employment of foreign entertainers in a Filipina club in Nakasu. I think they said they are accepting from agency, not directly from someone's introduction.

Next time I try to call you from 4 to 5 in the evening. Same time as the last time on Friday the 6th of February. That means I call you from 9 to 10 in the morning of Saturday.

I will work earnestly for you if you really want to come to Japan.

Anyway there's a way where there's a will. Let's think about the best possible way together.

Best regards,


I love you

Re: My Current Situation

Hi, ** aka Meli now..

I still love you and we can live together.

What's wrong with you? I really worry about you. If you lost your love in your real life in the United States, I will be always with you.

I can live together with you for good. I am eager to love you for the rest of my life.

Ok, I call you as soon as possible.


I Love You

Dear Meli,

I love you.

I call you again tomorrow morning.


Hi, Meli..

I feel really happy to talk to you on line. My cell number is ***
Call me whenever you can.
Japan country code is 81, so omitting the first zero of 090,

*** is the number to call.

Always with love,


Letters to America

How are you?

Hi, Meli..

Did you call me around 11 pm? I coundn't pick it since I was working that time.

It is hard to find a job here especially for foreigners.. although I try.



Today I called you at 7:30 in the evening.
Next time I call you a bit earlier than today's time.


How are you?

Hi, Meli..

Let's start teaching English here with me..

I will be in charge of intermediate level - from junior high to technical college while you are in charge of conversation with adults..

That's just an idea, however, I plan to teach.

It's the best way.



Hi, Meli...

I got a call three times this morning. It's 4:30 so I was still in a dream. I had turned my cell to manner mode, so I couldn't hear your bell ring.

Yes, it is very hard to get a job here especially in the case of foreigners. I think it's even more realistic for you to teach privately here. I don't know much about entertainment world.

So when do you plan to come to Japan? If you are not in a hurry and give me longer time, I can ask club people whether they can accept you. One time I had asked about the employment of foreign entertainers in a Filipina club in Nakasu. I think they said they are accepting from agency, not directly from someone's introduction.

Next time I try to call you from 4 to 5 in the evening. Same time as the last time on Friday the 6th of February. That means I call you from 9 to 10 in the morning of Saturday.

I will work earnestly for you if you really want to come to Japan.

Anyway there's a way where there's a will. Let's think about the best possible way together.

Best regards,


Sunday, February 01, 2009

My destiny

My destiny
2009.02.01 23:32

In my youth, words appear one after the other. So in a class I was unable to bear anything in my mind, instead, I needed to take down what appeared in my mind. I shut down the entrance to knowledge. This was my destiny. I was obliged to be a writer without being given time to choose.
Hah, I was supposed to title 'My excuse' for this post.

All in one

~mercedo 2 seconds ago
You can see as many external organs as possible. All in one shot.--Ancient Greek Philosophers - 18c Enlightenment Thinkers - deviantART Users

Erin IV - Los Angeles, CA by ~kennlichtenwalter

Attached in