Friday, November 09, 2007

God and the name of him
Nov 9, '07 12:53 AMfor everyone
Hello ***,

I was confused myself... Read especially Acts 2:21 more carefully. Both Acts and Joel 2:32 says ' the name of Jehovah'. I have to check the grammar of 'of' in original language, but it seems not 'the name' is 'Jehovah' and it's more likely that means 'Jehovah's name'

If his name is Jehovah, these passages ought to be written as 'Jehovah, the name of God'.
It seems Jehovah simply means God in these passages. I can read these passages as 'the name of God is unknown but call him in our mind'.

Probably more in passages at Joel, Jehovah is used like a pronoun. Basically Jehovah is the name of God in Hebrew scriptures. I can't believe Jesus used the term Jehovah in early Christianity. Jesus might not have used the term Jehovah because we can imagine that he wanted to establish a different religion from Judaism in his teachings.

Please examine more on this. Because we've been discussed it many times.


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