Wednesday, June 20, 2007


mercedo wrote today at 2:19 AM
infinitemonkey said Even though the NT was "written down" some decades after the events described, it does record oral tradition fairly soon after the events by the standards of the day, in some cases within living memory.
Four gospels were written decades after the crucification. People later days often wonder why his record didn't start being written soon after the event. The answer might be that it always takes sometime for the people to realise the importance of someone's teachings. In the case of Jesus, people didn't realise it soon after his death. But even 20 years or 30 years after his death, his influence was far from dying away but had kept on spreading in Levant, so people who knew his teachings directly started to feel the necessity of keeping the record of his novel idea.
"the owl of Minerva spreads its wings only with the falling of the dusk" - Hegel
Any man would vanish in a labyrinth of oblivion unless his deeds and words were written down. People were about to forget his deed and word after some decades, then people decided to keep the record at this very moment.

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