Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Adam's Findings

by mercedo (822671) * on 2007.06.13 3:10 (#19480475) (http://www.blogger.c...00096157591312337186 Last Journal: 2007.06.12 2:40)
My argument here is it was Adam who noticed for the first time human's mortality or when he was born and he ought to die in the end. Before him, no one noticed humans are to die. This is related to the rise of self-consiousness. Because no one was unable to reach the point of self-consiousness Adam was able to reach, humans used to repeat their daily lives without intension to expand their economy. So before Adam, humans stayed in a primitive barter based society for 190000 years. Current development of mankind is the direct result of Adam's findings of the concept of time and space. This concept is defined in subjective perception Adam acquired first time among humans.
--Ancient Greek Philosophers -18c Enlightenment Thinkers -Slashdotters

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