Wednesday, April 30, 2008

mercedo wrote today at 12:08 AM
ullangoo saidThe excuse for persecuting the Jews in the Middle Ages and onwards was that
It's an interesting theory that supports a 'strange story'. You see the history of Jewish people is, needless to say, dates back to much older than the age Jesus and Judas of Iscariot lived, so technically speaking it's not in the least likely that Judas of Iscariot is the ancestor of Jews.But in fact it's to some extent very likely people start believing Jews are descendants of Judas of Iscariot because of its name. It's of course sheer coincident Judas also means Jews. Christians might have started relating to the name of traitor and the name of ethnic people. I heard Christians after the event done by Judas of iscariot started evading the use of name Judas in their kids though it was one of common names at that time.

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