Sunday, July 29, 2007

Repent, the end is nigh
Jul 29, '07 1:31 AMfor everyone
A 75-year old man was arrested for asking two people to kill his third son, who was killed at 26-year old five years ago. He got 100 million dollars from life insurance.
His wife was at age 42 also killed in an accident inside their house 30 years ago. She was fallen from staircase. He got 8 million dollars at that time from life insurance. Whether she was killed by him wasn't questioned.
In his garden I saw a statue of St Maria. Did he place it in memory of his love to his wife or a remorse he had by a crime over his wife.
Repent, the end is nigh is a phrase for those who committed some crime, for ordinary people repentance doesn't exist anywhere. St Maria might be his confession of his crime in his inner voice.
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