Monday, May 15, 2006

Gap Society

Gap Society
2006.05.15 2:26

I've been thinking that the advent of the Internet dominated society will bring a society of more oppotunity and equality in distribution. But more and more the gap between the poor and the rich has been widening. Why, why, why...
A few years ago a tapping law was put into effect. This law allows police to tap all the conversations spoken on the phone regardless of whether they are related to criminal act or not. Of course the police have to have a legal obligation to keep it secret. But once they judge the contents of converstion are directly related to the occurence of crime, they can use the contents of their tapping as a proof to the court. Unfortunately tapping is only possible between fixed phones. Because transmission of cell phone is cryptised, they can't tap the contents of conversation spoken between cell phones. As a result, we stopped using fixed phones.
Also a several years ago espionage prevention law was implemented. At that time people were demanding governmental documents to know whether public officials were violating a law. They say people have a right to know. But this movement was terminated by this law. The name of this law is not espionage prevention, but individual information protection law. That protects individual information, but also prevents leaking from their sanctuary, area where they have to keep secret. People can't look at the right information, let alone misconducts by public officials.
Now our diet has been focusing on whether or not to introduce a creation of a plot crime. If some people talked about a plan of some crime, they have to go to geol up to 5 years.
Where do we find a way to run away from this severe reality? The advent of gap society is coming over there, will the age of the Internet bring about another one thousand Middle Ages?
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