Sunday, March 04, 2007


2007.03.04 22:20

I have had a fever for about a week. Last Monday I had to work only two hours from 10 to noon. The rest of the day was off. I had to work on the last Sunday. Usually Sunday is dayoff. So all those caused a slight ailment that is a fever, though it is not in the least I can call it a cold.
Many years ago I read a medical article that says that the fever is a natural reaction of our body to protect ourselves, in other words a fever generates itself in a process our body fight against the intrusion of viruses that causes disease.
Last night I found my wet hair dried up on its own after I took a bath, usually I need to use a dryer, etc., because of the fever of myself dried the water on the hair.
Fever, you are not ignorable.

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